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Auto Accident and Business Law

Helping those in comflict find a resolution.


Aiken County's Champion for Justice

John Harte's life experiences range from being one of the youngest criminal court judges in South Carolina to spending time in court as a defendant. He knows as only a fellow traveler can how it feels to be facing a foe with unlimited resources, knowing that the only thing between you and destruction is your lawyer. That’s why he will not, can not let you down. His clients--guilty or innocent--deserve justice, but he knows from personal experience that you will receive justice only if your lawyer gives you his best, and then only if that lawyer is totally committed to your cause. That’s what he promises and what he gives every person who entrusts their case to him. 

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John Harte
Trial Lawyers

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

702 Chaffee Lane

P.O. Box 7215

Aiken SC 29804
Phone: 803-226-0755


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2023 by John Harte Trial Lawyers  |

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