40+ years Experience
Auto Injuries, Commercial Litigation, Criminal Defense
At John Harte Law, we are able to move faster and more accurately than other firms and concentrate on the needs of our clients. We are a boots on the ground firm. We don't have lunch or afternoon cocktails with other lawyers. We don't ask for any quarter and we don't give any quarter. We adhere strictly to the code of professional conduct, and we are courteous to other attorneys, but we do not give ground.
We handle accident cases, civil cases including complex civil matters, criminal defense, and family court cases.
We enjoy helping injured and innocent people and we like to WIN.

Fighting Hard for Big Wins
We fight for every penny!
We take each case seriously; we listen; and, we don’t rush to settle. As a result, over the years, we have quietly and efficiently obtained millions for our clients. For example, we obtained more than 3 million for a wrongful death against a major manufacturer. More than 3 million for another victim of big business negligence. Those are the really big cases, but others also deserve and get my full attention. Recently we obtained more than $250,000.00 for an accident victim; and, more than $100,000.00 for another injured client.
What it comes down to is this; If you are injured and come to us, you get us - not some retired adjuster or some “won’t go to court” quick settlement artist. And, we will make as many calls as it takes. We love the courtroom and if the wrongdoer won’t do the right thing, we will happily meet them in the courtroom. And we will make more than one call!
We will give our very best each day to each client. We will remember that what we do will affect our clients for years to come. Each client deserves honesty and devotion to their cause. We cannot guarantee a result, but we can always put forth our best effort - and we will.

Most legal services we offer are paid on contingency. That means you pay no money up front, and you only pay attorney fees if we are able to recover money for you.
Located in Aiken, South Carolina, at John Harte Law we welcome the opportunity to help clients throughout South Carolina. To discuss your case with one of our attorneys, call us at 803-226-0755 or fill out our online contact form.